There's something about the anticipation of an event that is almost more fun than the actual thing.
In anticipation of our road trip in a few weeks, I thought I better start this blog, so that I can get in the habit of writing each day. My plan is to record our adventure on the road as we travel from Spring Valley, California to Madison, Mississippi and back again.
It all started when my sister, Karen, decided that we needed to meet and get to know our Mississippi relatives on Dad's side of the family. So she contacted Aunt Ruth Ann and the two started planning a family reunion.
With the rising cost of plane fares, I wasn't sure I could take the whole family. But then after a conversation with my sister, and the allure of new sites to see, I thought "road trip"! I asked my three sons if they'd come with me, and they all agreed. Now I'm enjoying the planning phase of our trip.
I designed a tripline that can be viewed here. 7 days headed east. 4 days in Madison. 7 days back home. Different routes, different cities, different experiences.
We have the route planned, but we are still working on things to do along the way. I've asked my Facebook friends and colleagues at work to suggest activities, and we are getting some great ideas.
The more I talk about it and research the places where we are heading, the more excited I become. I love road trips! I love learning history, seeing natural landmarks, and experiencing new places. I can hardly wait! keeping me waiting!
Added you to my feed reader so you should write often. --W