Sunday, June 26, 2011

Well, my bags are packed...

The Fit is packed with our stuff...4 changes of clothes, 4 beach towels (just in case we go tubing on the river), 4 i-Pods, 2 netbooks, 2 GPS units (mine & Joe's), 1 sleeping bag, 1 small cooler (filled with Diet Coke), 1 pillow (I have to have my pillow), and assorted snacks. And yep, it all fit!

We are ready to GO! We are just waiting for David to get home in about 30 minutes. He's having his first behind the wheel training today. When he got his permit, the earliest lesson he could schedule was today. His permit isn't valid until he has his first lesson, so we are waiting.

Joe's concern is whether we'll make it to Tucson in time for the baseball game tonight. The Tucson Padres are playing and we can get field level tickets behind home plate for $10.50! Minor league games are cheap! So once we hit the road, we won't be stopping much until we arrive in Tucson.

I had wanted to stop and see the historic territorial prison in Yuma, but that will have to wait until our trip home.

25 minutes until David gets home!

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